5 Flowering Vines That Make Great Pergola Cover in Upper Arlington, OH

5 Flowering Vines That Make Great Pergola Cover in Upper Arlington, OH

 Pergolas offer the perfect outdoor hangout and hideaway for your Arlington, OH, home. They offer versatility in a way that few other detached structures can. They are easy to customize and personalize, and they can be constructed with a variety of materials. A pergola can become a poolside cabana, an outdoor dining space, or a quiet place for contemplation. However, if you’re looking to create a relaxing secret garden of your own, an excellent way is by adding gorgeous flowering vines to your pergola. Read on, and we’ll help you find the perfect kind of flowering vines to give your pergola the natural cover you crave. 

Trumpet Vine

These red and orange-bulbed flowering vines are eager to grow and beautiful to show! Reaching lengths of 30 to 40 feet, trumpet vine bloom beautifully from July to September and they are highly attractive to butterflies and hummingbirds alike. Because of their substantial size and length, they require a sturdy support system, making them a great choice to wind around your pergola. Prune them heavily in the late winter and spring to be sure to enjoy lush, hearty cover from season to season.

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Perennial Sweet Pea

These fragrant purple flowering vines are also eager growers that reach lengths of 9 to 12 feet. They grow best directly in the sunlight, and they are drought-tolerant. They bloom from July to August. Just be sure to prune them liberally in the early spring. Best of all, sweet pea flowers make for excellent cuttings, so you’ll be able to enjoy them indoors, too. 


This twining flowering vine offers fragrant flowers from June to July, and they grow from 10 to 20 feet long. Because they are also vigorous growers, honeysuckle benefits from regular pruning to keep the vine from becoming tangled or overgrown. Look for native species with red- or orange-colored berries. 


This sun-loving flowering vine is among the most popular and beloved by horticulturists and homeowners alike. Their cheerful blooms come in a variety of colors, providing a number of options to help add color and flowering foliage to your pergola. These particular vines also require a good deal of specialty care and pruning. So, be sure to investigate and supply your vines with the proper soil, lighting, and drainage they need to be successful.

Related: 8 Climbing Vines for Your Pergola in Westerville, OH


This slow-growing vine is a classic and comes in American, Kentucky, Blue Moon and Amethyst Falls varieties. The vine also comes in a variety of colors. These vines produce pendant-like flowers that are fragrant and tend to bloom late in the season. Wisterias can be slow to establish, but once they begin twining they can reach up to 20 to 25 feet in length. Unlike fast-growing vines, keep pruning wisterias to a minimum, and only prune after flowering or during the winter months.When it comes to choosing a flowering vine to cover your pergola, be sure to research and explore a host of different plants. You may be surprised to find that the particular type of vine you may have wanted won’t work quite so well in your climate or zone. Another similar vine may be better suited for your landscape. With a little research and help from a trusted landscaper, your pergola is sure to become a floral-clad beauty!