These Landscape Design Upgrades Will Make Your Powell and New Albany, OH, Home the Neighborhood Inspiration

These Landscape Design Upgrades Will Make Your Powell and New Albany, OH, Home the Neighborhood Inspiration

Refreshing your landscape will often lead to a better outdoor experience for your family and friends. Between making ecologically-conscious choices, beautifying your patio, and transforming the look of your landscape at night, these landscape design upgrades will make your Powell and New Albany, OH, home the neighborhood inspiration.


Upgrade Your Hardscape

The patio, walkways, pool deck, and driveway all need to be functional and attractive, no matter the location. Many landscapes, especially those that have poured concrete in any application, can be enhanced by switching to pavers. The wide selection of styles, sizes, shapes, and finishes in modern pavers ensure that any hardscape surface looks great, performs, and stands the test of time.

One technology to consider is permeable pavers. Permeable pavers have a number of benefits. They allow surface water to slip into the cracks between pavers which helps keep the surface drier to reduce slipping, to prolong the lifespan of pavers by preventing standing water, and to help replenish the groundwater. Permeable pavers are popular solutions for driveways but you can use them anywhere. They are also compatible with snowmelt systems, which can mean an incredibly luxurious (and safe) winter experience: a dry, ice-and-snow-free driveway, walkway, and patio.

Diversify Your Lighting Strategies

If your landscape looks great during the daytime, why not transform it from an unwelcoming space that lacks proper lighting, with a new lighting strategy. You’ll get the best results with a combination of diverse lighting strategies. For example, consider applying low-lying pathway lights to illuminate the ground surface; add spotlights to highlight important landscape features; use subtle backsplashing, moonlighting, submersible lighting, and wall washing to create a dimensional and safe landscape that doesn’t light your landscape up like a sports stadium.

Be sure to upgrade your entire landscape lighting system by switching to LEDs (light-emitting diodes). These LED light fixtures have been eclipsing the use of traditional light bulbs due to their energy-efficient and long-lasting qualities. While traditional light bulbs need to be replaced once or twice a year, LEDs can last over ten years. They also produce far less heat and use much less energy than their less-advanced counterparts.

A Low-Maintenance Landscape

An important modern trend is moving away from lawns to a more interesting and dimensional landscape that prioritizes native plants. Native plants are perfectly adapted to the location. They need far less watering and maintenance than their exotic imported counterparts, which lets you take back your weekends and enjoy a more diverse and eco-friendly landscape.

Another trend to consider is to move this more interesting landscaping closer to the outdoor living spaces. You’ll feel a greater connection to nature by placing native trees, shrubs, ornamental grasses, perennials, and annuals closer to the patio instead of separating these gorgeous areas from the patio with a sea of grass.

Creature Comforts  

What sends people indoors? Weather, whether too hot, too cold, or too wet makes a patio less than cozy. There are two ways to enhance your investment in outdoor living: a pavilion, and a fire feature (or several fire features).

Few landscape features are as important for making a patio comfortable as fire pits, fire tables, and outdoor fireplaces. Don’t limit yourself to one. These versatile additions can make many areas of your hardscape more livable as the temperatures start to dip.

To protect against sun and rain, a pavilion - with a solid roof and open sides - could be the ideal outdoor shelter structure that will extend the amount of time you can enjoy your patio.