How to Prioritize Your Outdoor Living Goals When Planning Out a Landscape Design in Westerville, OH

How to Prioritize Your Outdoor Living Goals When Planning Out a Landscape Design in Westerville, OH

When it comes to creating summer memories with friends and family, your outdoor living space is often the place where it all happens. This space should house the amenities that are important to you and your family. Since every family, every home, and every landscape are all different, it’s important to get clear on your own goals so you can develop your space in a meaningful way and stay on budget. Here’s how to prioritize your outdoor living goals when planning out a landscape design in Westerville, OH.


Gardening for the Future

Part of the reason that many people buy homes with backyards is to enjoy what nature has to offer. The most welcoming outdoor living spaces are surrounded by beautiful plant life. They are not necessarily high-maintenance lawns, but rather native plants that look great while letting you spend your time on what really matters, instead of on landscape maintenance.

To keep things decluttered and organized, you could keep certain plants contained within a set of raised masonry planters. This is a wonderful place to put flowers, ornamental shrubs, or ornamental grasses on full display, including edible plants that can enhance your cooking. You can even add an automatic drip irrigation system to take away the worry of watering. Placing planters along the perimeter of your patio - along with a generous cap stone - will offer additional seating and will make tending these mini-gardens much more comfortable. Planters can be used by young and old alike, making them a feature that any generation will love.

Warming Up with Family

A well-designed outdoor living space needs a feature that will help to make everyone feel comfortable. A fire table is the perfect addition for modern outdoor living spaces. It’s a fire feature that’s more versatile than a fire pit in that it has a generously sized top so you can fit plates and glasses around the perimeter, and the flame acts as a gorgeous centerpiece for dining. This makes a fire pit especially handy in small backyards where it can do double duty as a fire feature and dining space.

Using Plants for Privacy

Not all views should be celebrated. If your backyard looks out over the neighbor’s blank wall; or a busy road; or nosy neighbors - it’s harder to enjoy a backyard. A vertical garden can do double duty as a privacy wall, but with far more interest and utility.

Vertical gardens also help solve small-backyard problems of not enough space for gardening. A vertical garden is an ingenious way to help add plant life as well as dimension to your landscape. The structure could be wood or masonry and can be home to beautiful flowers, ferns, edible plants, or culinary herbs.

Creating a Dramatic Ambience

Any outdoor living space deserves to have a multi-sensory ambience. Few landscape features can create this ambience like a water feature. Waterfalls, water walls, rain curtains, fountains, and even artificial creeks add the magic of moving water to your landscape. They can be customized to any aesthetic and can fit in the tiniest of spaces. A water feature will add white noise to make the calmest gatherings more relaxing or it can be a dramatic visual spectacle that livens up any party.

Sheltering Your Loved Ones

If you don’t use your backyard enough, is it because Mother Nature sends you indoors too often with blazing hot sunshine or sudden downpours? Solve that problem with a pavilion: this open-walled, closed-roofed structure can shelter a seating area or, if it’s large enough, the three most important elements of outdoor living: cooking, dining, and relaxing.