4 Ways to Warm Up Patios in New Albany and Worthington OH Areas

4 Ways to Warm Up Patios in New Albany and Worthington OH Areas

If your patio has been your favorite place to relax and enjoy time with family and friends this summer, why pause the fun when cooler weather starts? With the right preparation, your patio has the potential to be a space for year-round enjoyment. Continue your patio fun this fall and winter with these four ways to warm up patios in New Albany and Worthington, OH, areas.


Patio Heaters

The most effective and reliable way to warm up your patio is with an outdoor patio heater. Many modern day heaters are built to be both effective and decorative to become part of your patio decor. There are a variety of considerations to take into account when shopping for the right heater for your space and needs.

Heater type: Patio heaters come in different forms, typically giving you the choice between propane, electric and natural gas. Propane styles are usually portable, and can be set up easily on your own. They are standalone structures that have an area at the base for a propane tank. While propane may be the easiest type of heater to use, it will require frequent refills for the propane tank depending on how often you use it. Electric heaters are a more eco-friendly choice, but do need to be plugged into an outlet and will affect your electric bill. Natural gas heaters are very eco-friendly, and are permanent structures that will need to be installed by a professional and connected to a natural gas line. These heaters may seem more expensive up front, but will save you a lot of money without the need to refill a fuel tank.

Heater design: After choosing the heater type that will work best for your patio needs and budget, you can start thinking about the design that will look best in your space. Propane heaters are usually standalone structures that can be moved around your patio, a very convenient feature if you tend to rearrange furniture for different social events. For a mounted or hanging heater, be sure to consider the heat range when deciding on the size of the heater and the placement of it on your patio. Make sure the heat range diameter will reach where your family and guests usually gather. A smaller tabletop heater is the perfect addition to intimate family gatherings or small groups of friends.

Special features: Patio heaters are equipped with many different features for both safety and convenience. Make sure that the heater you choose is safety certified and includes a safety shutoff, in case of an emergency. Freestanding heaters should include a tip over switch in case they get bumped into and start to fall. Some other convenient features that you can look for are how portable it is (with wheels for easy relocation), indoor/outdoor use for screened-in porch, a remote control and different thermostat options.

Fire Features

While patio heaters are among the more popular and effective ways to heat your patio, they are not the only way. Add another element of heat and style with a gas fire table or fire pit. These gas features are typically built to look sleek and modern, and the fire is easily controlled with a switch or remote. Gas fire features come in a variety of shapes and sizes, from long and rectangular (great for a larger gathering of people) to a simple square (perfect for regular family gatherings). 

Structures to Block Wind

If your patio includes a pergola structure to provide shade from the summer sun, you can easily adapt it to block the wind on a cooler night. Full-length, heavyweight curtains can be attached to hooks installed at the top and bottom of the pergola. Even vines crawling up a lattice wall in between two supports will make a noticeable difference.

Cozy Furniture

Lastly, the addition of comfortable outdoor furniture will contribute to creating a warm atmosphere. Find a cozy couch to place by the fire pit, or a set of cushioned lounge chairs to curl up in.

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